Comic. Follow the transcript link at the bottom of page for a text version.
[[Vlad scowls at Sara's laptop]]

[[Login screen]]

Laptop: Welcome to Linux@virgil
Laptop: Login?


[[Vlad sips from a test tube of blood as he ruminates on the problem]]

[[Login screen]]

Laptop: Invalid username or password!
Laptop: Login?

Vlad: Give the blood

[[Vlad looms over the laptop, fangs bared]]

[[Login screen]]

Laptop: Invalid username or password!
Laptop: Login?

[[Vlad's face is reflected in the login screen]]

[[Vlad chomps the laptop]]

[[Battered login screen]]

Laptop: Welcome to Linux@virgil
Laptop: Login?

[[Vlad looks bemused]]


April 23, 2012 -- Moral: Never Bet on an Eggplant

By way of Shaenon Garrity, it looks like a mutated version of one of Daniel Pinkwater's dada fables has made it onto a standardized test.

You can listen to the original version here.

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Electric Puppet Theatre by Mark V is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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